Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Before SPM finished i was telling myself "Faster finish lah so i can enjoy the holidays and do 'productive and fun' stuffs". And on the last day of SPM(EST paper) I was so damn happy and relieved that i dont have to study and touch any books for a whole month man! Woot!!!
Okay fine, I take back those words. Holidays SUCK. The 3 things i do a lot lately:
i) Stone and stare into the computer screen(while com is off).
ii) Watch cartoons and history channel.
iii) Think of what to do.

The time of my life =). Well most of my friends are either not free, can't go out or not around. Argh what can i do to pass time? Some of my friends asked me to start reading but storybooks/novels just ain't my cup of tea. But i do read comics and magazines. I don't know how people can read a novel with 1000 pages with no pictures. 1000 words also i find it hard wei. But i read Reader's Digest, does that count? ;).
Anyway i'm gonna miss highschool life. Like... The Trios will most probably go our separate paths T_T:

As you can see i'm never in the middle. *Grumbles*
Over and out.


  1. I see how you evolved! LOL WTF. :)))))

    The next time you all get together, we'll take a photo with you in the middle okay? ;) Aaaaand MAYBE you can take up something else other than reading also lah. Heh. We'll think of something. ;) ;)

  2. *jade here*

    HAHAHA its like ALL three of you turned uglier!!!
